Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot Bill - campaign Challenges Boris Johnson to a debate on CRASSrail -1

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The 10th Edition of the day at 1925 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 5 September 2007

AADHIKAR Media Foundation was established with the publication of the weekly AADHIKAR from London E1 UK on Monday 19 December 1980
Muhammad Haque
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AADHIKARonline is published as an entirely non-profit, non-commercial, educational and ethical resource in association with
and the materials are also accessible via other external websites and internet publishing pages and on a series of blogs published by AADHIKAR Media Foundation, KHOODEELAAR! and by associated organisations, sources and initiatives

Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill news, comments and legal action updates and constitutional analyses are being pub shed by AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site and on related web sites

Muhammad Haque challenges would be ‘Tory Mayor candidate’ Boris Johnson to debate on CrossRail hole plot on any platform – as posted on the Spectator magazine website on Wednesday 5 September 2007

By©Muhammad Haque_1655 GMT London Wednesday 5 September 2007

It is very wrong of anyone to even suggest that Crossrail equals solution to the people of London’s transport needs.
The Crossrail hole Bill as it is in the UK House of Commons, lacks relevance and is in essence a hugely hyped up too for profit-grabbing Big Business to grab hold of public cash for private looting.
The transport needs do deserve serious attention. The Crossrail Bill does not contain the answers.
It is irresponsible of anyone to claim that making a stand as a poodle for the Big business lobby for Crossrail amounts to evidence that we need for suitability to seek election as mayor of London.
There are far too many examples of huge sums of public money being wasted on grand plans that come unstuck.
Boris Johnson will be discredited even before he starts the campaign proper if he cannot show that he is up to the task. I will debate CrossRail and London transport needs with him on any platform.
Does Boris possess enough gravitas and thought to care and to respond?
And what is Matthew doing allowing banal plugs for Crossrail to be posted on the Spectator web site without rigorous responses?

Editorial note:
Matthew is Matthew D’Ancona. Currently Editor of the Spectator [in a company that is effectively owned by Andrew Neill] Muhammad Haque was organizing a key educational rights campaign in the early 1990s when Matthew D’Ancona, a reporter on the Times newspaper, covered the campaign

How CRASSRAIL plot-pluggers the FT [the ‘Financial Times’, London, which is exposed daily as a courier of lies and assorted ignorance on behalf of Big Business] is contradicting the Oxford Mail in their ‘coverage’ [or, to put it more accurately, cover-ups] about Boris Johnson’s comments on Crossrail. Why this contradiction shows up the inadequacy of thought that has been given by Boris Johnson to the question of the transport needs in London. And why Boris Johnson in appearing to echo the Lyingstill Livingstone’s plug for CrossRail [ as reported by the FT] is showing that he, Boris Johnson cannot really compete with, let alone even make a serious dent on the prospect of the re-election of the corrupter of London. We show why Boris Johnson has to stop lying himself. Because someone who can say that they are an alternative to Livingstone, and then ends up repeating the very core of the lie that Livingstone has been perpetrating on Crossrail, cannot really be in possession of the basic facts. We examine Boris Johnson's ‘media coverage’ since his announcement of candidature earlier this week. Here shortly.

Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against CrossRail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council
6.30 PM 11 September 2007 Mulberry Place 5 Clove Crescent London E14 2 BG
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for London from Bethnal green and Bow
Khoodeelaar! Open Letter to ALL Candidates for Mayor of London – Texts here shortly
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plotters and dummies parading as Mps – we challenge the dummies to show that they even know the ordinary meaning of transport when they parrot and utter the phrases given to the to utter for CRASSrail – here soon
Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law update exposing the bankrupt behaviour of the ;Crossrail hole Bi’ ‘select committee’ of MPs
Khoodeelaar! Legal updates and campaign news and information
From previous editions of AADHIKARonline
Crossrail hole plot-backer former ‘MP’ in the name of Bethnal Green and Bow, Oona…… has returned [did she ever have the courtesy to leave the limelight she so badly craves????] to the spot reserved in the tabloid media for sleaze and scandal. This is most unfortunate, for Oona and any of her remaining approvers..
Or is it only another indication of things to come in Oona’s [and her approvers- depending on who they are in this cycle of her considerably long career!] personal career building enterprise?
For the overly promoted [everything with her is, has been overly promoted, starting with the claim in 1997 that she was a historic achievement being a ‘black woman’ MP – ] Today’s London ‘standardless’ EVENING STANDARD has focussed on the alleged diary obsession in Oona’s publicity with comparing everything with her sexual experiences..
This one has been allegedly to do with Oona’s excitement at hearing Gordon Brown speak, 'at his alleged best'. It was, for Oona, according to the EVENING STANDARD this lunchtime [Tuesday 4 September 2007], better than sex!
Now was Gordon Brown by any chance, discussing transport when he had such an excited reaction ? [To be continued]
It seems that the only worthwhile [!!!!!] news being picked – or flagged- up in relation to any former or current ‘MP’ in the name of Bethnal Green [and Bow] is – sex and sexual misconduct or alleged sexual misconduct!
For the same item in today’s [4 September 2007]London EVENING STANDARD does also refer to alleged adulterous behaviour by George Galloway, the ‘current MP’ for Bethnal Green and Bow!

[To be continued]
Crossrail hole plot-backing chief tout in London for Big Business plotting to loot the UK Treasury of £Billions under the CrossRail hole plot, is given a whole page of self prompting space in today’s EVENING STANDARD.

In the early editions, the Standardless 'EVENING Standard' lambasts RMT Union man Bob Crow and fingers him as the man responsible for the tube strike crisis that has come into effect today. Inside, the 'Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone has an even longer and more menacing go at the unions.
[To be continued]
The Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail hole has been observing the many tricks being played by the ‘mainstream’ parties to grab hold of the post of mayor of `London. As Boris Johnson admitted, it carries with it a huge budget. That is what we are interested in as well, Mr Johnson! We want to see just how much you can grasp of the Budged before you show any proclivities to grab it al and abuse it all, - grabbing and abusing are two words we have evidentially associated with Ken Livingstone in so far as his ‘interest’ in ‘serving’ London public is concerned…. He is ‘serving’ his own ego, his own career and his own self. At the expense of the people of London

And he is doing so by sacrificing, squandering and wasting the resources and the trust and the confidence of ordinary people in London..
. But for now, our first response to Boris Johnson’s latest phase of the announcement of his own interest in being elected mayor of London, is about Crossrail.
AADHIKARonline quoting at 0430 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 4 September 2007 the first comment from Khoodeelaar! on the announcement of the candidature for election as mayor of London by Boris Johnson, written and posted by Muhammad Haque as published on the web site of the London Daily Telegraph on 3 September 2007

"Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill” OPPOSES Ken Lyingstill Livingstone precisely because Livingstone has been abusing public resources in promoting the con that is the present Crossrail as it is in the 'Crossrail Bill'
We would support any candidate who has the integrity to tell the truth and to do so by genuinely recognising the people of London
What Livingstone has done is to corrupt London and to do so with the assistance of the likes of the Guardian who mounted that very sinister propaganda onslaught on Boris Johnson
We still don't know how Boris Johnson will deal with the serious crisis that exists in providing transport in London
Does Boris Johnson have the patience to actually read the many alternatives to Crossrail that people with long experience and commitment have pointed out? Does he have the democratic interests to question the deadpan and the totally unaccountable, unrigorous, unscrutinising ‘Crossrail Bill’ 'Select committee' of MPs ['chaired' by Alan Meale] which has been doing a pathetic job of 'scrutinising’ the Bill
That committee has been preventing people with serious and relevant objections to the contents and the implications of the Crossrail Bill from bringing in evidence to support the objections
Does Boris have the sense of fair play and tolerance in him to show the way out of the racist morass that clouds any frustrated seeker of public office? Boris may hold views that are far to the right of Ken Livingstone, circa 1981

Ken Livingstone circa 2006 has been far worse for democracy and accountable occupation of public office than anything London deserves
We welcome what appears to be the beginning of an almost pro-democratic debate about the future of the politicos seeking our votes
Let the people of London have a full-scale expression of our thoughts, our wisdom and our rights and responsibilities...”

Posted by Muhammad Haque on September 3, 2007 7:39 PM
AADHIKARonline unquoting at 0430 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 4 September 2007 the first comment from Khoodeelaar! on the announcement of the candidature for election as mayor of London by Boris Johnson, written and posted by Muhammad Haque as published on the web site of the London Daily Telegraph on 3 September 2007

More will follow

Khoodeelaar! First response to the London Daily Telegraph’s launch report on Boris Johnson as the possible Tory Candidate for election as mayor of London in 2008

AADHIKARonline news, comments, commentaries, legal action updates, campaign events are now accessible by clicking on links that will start to appear on this site, starting with the following list

The truth about the ‘free’ ‘thinking’ British Media on Sunday 2 September 2007

The Muhammad Haque daily world [constitutional, ethical and moral] commentary: exposing the gross undemocracy and corruption of the British parliamentary recess and focusing attention on the corrupting role being played by the mainstream ‘media’ in Britain in the undemocratic, unlawful occupation and murderous attacks by the Bushed USA and the Blaired UK regimes of millions of innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq
AADHIKARonline updating the action archives of Khoodeelaar! From 23 February 2006
What Khoodeelaar! Wants the ‘full Council’ meeting being held in the second week of September 2007 to do – PASS the Motion Saying unequivocal No to Crossrail hole
why the ‘Mail on Sunday’ is, once again. ‘Fail on Sunday’, with their brothellising promotion of sleazy, uncouth, corrupt self-seekers on almost every single page, 'column' 'seria-lies-shame' and feature!
Why the ‘Fail on Sunday’ is wrong to promote Brian Paddick as an example to be followed in the contest for mayor of London ..
We examine and dissect the corrupting editorial in today’s Mail Sunday [2 September 2007] about the three named ‘contenders’ [the possible Tory Boris, the incontempt Livingstone and Paddick]
We show that the Mail on Sunday is a lying organ and has no morality whatever, except the morality [!] of twisted greed and profiteering.
If it had any morality, it would not describe Ken LYINGSTIL Livingstone in the glowing terms that it has done this weekend albeit in a bracket with Boris Johnson and Brian Paddick – More dissection and overdue diatribe against the lying Mail on Sunday, here and in the linked web pages, shortly
And how more corrupting is the ‘News of the XXXXXS [also known as the 'News of the World'] ?In their own lying and idiotic 'report' about the 'mayor elections' for London, they give a bragging one page promotion to Boris Johnson. And the ignorance is to be seen to be believed...
We examine the evidence of George Galloway’s various ‘private’ announcements that he has done over the past seven days or so including his disclosure dated today Monday 3 September 2007 that he is in effect separated from the mother of his infant child -
We do a reluctant review of the alleged re-made-up and dressing up of ‘Oona King’ as an almost plausible ‘heart break’ case – because she did not get to be made a minister by Tony Bair on whose ‘Babes’ [women Mps elected in 1997 on the former Labour Party ticket] she was displayed for at east 9 years [1997 to 2005 plus the year that followed her well-deserved ouster as MP for Bethnal Green and Bow in which year she was groomed like made by very conceivable Blairite element madly seeking a vulnerable community upon which to inflict Oona King as a 'candidate' - – and we look for evidence of any political action by the aforesaid Oona king who is given a very underserved platform to promote herself looking almost like a back woman – in contrast to her looking, as George Galloway had put it, lighter skinned than the majority of the women in Palestine!